Blake去年到过中国以后无法平静,今年又申请了一个奖学金,作为志愿者,来到贵州和云南,希望提供社区服务。Steve有一个星期的时间,也与Blake一起开始在贵州石门文化圈的旅行。 这次旅行先后访问了安顺教堂、普定仙马、紫云新驰,最后在贵阳参加了石门文化圈关注者举办的茶话会。
目录:0722 0723 0724 0725 0721 账册 留言
7月22日 贵阳出发前往普定仙马村,中途在安顺与王文宪会合,并拜访安顺教堂。 如不能正常播放,请转往优酷观看
Blake 有点晕眩,四个苗族猎人在这里遇到党居仁,曾祖父因此与一个庞大的族群牢牢地结合在一起,他自己也会遇到另一次神迹吗?
如不能正常播放,请点击前往优酷观看 石砌教堂 来参加排练的唱诗班成员 麻布裙装 上山参观仙马塘,传说仙马喝水的地方 蜡染麻布裙装,画蜡 画蜡 山上的风电场 离开仙马 到达新驰,李长老的家 王文宪在讲述 晚餐 一个教友患病,大家都来她家为她祷告 晚宴 |
如不能正常播放,请转往优酷观看 麻杆 蜡染麻布 教会备餐,教会有重大活动时会备餐,比如圣诞节 唱诗班在排练 唱诗班 看着手机唱奇异恩典 麻 她患了结核病 诊断结果病情不很严重,长期服药就能治愈 他提出很想拥抱她 手织麻布 织布机 李长老一家 Steve的礼物,是他家附近海滩的贝壳 苗装
和志愿者马乐 麻布蜡染围裙
离别 |
如不能正常播放,请转往优酷 浏览
Steve今天 在杭州游览,晚上到达贵阳。 Blake也晚上到达。
四点开始,广播一遍遍地抱歉说3U8535杭州到贵阳因为航空管制,不能准时起飞。时间待定。 问了登机口的工作人员,说飞机还在天津,飞过来都起码要两小时后。 好吧,耐心地等吧。 Steve显然累了,他也确实可能是累了。 早上四点起,从佛罗里达飞洛杉矶,然后洛杉矶飞上海,辗转将近二十四个小时。 小毛弟兄夫妇陪我同去浦东接机。 车开后,给夫人短信报平安。夫人起床了,来电话通平安。 然后用我的微信与儿子通电话。 看他疲倦的样子,路上没多说话。 快到杭州时,他问了毛弟兄夫妇很多关于信仰的问题。 我好奇问他,去年那趟旅行对他有什么影响吗? 他很肯定地说,当然!很大! 他说他虽然从小就算基督徒,但只是挂名基督徒。他说去年的旅行很感动,很多时候他们都在流泪。他看到了大家对信仰很严肃。 所以,他说,他在这里了。他开始有对教会的负担。 酒店订马可波罗。 早上他发微信,说他走时匆忙问我能否帮他找本英文圣经。 斐岚准时来玉泉接了我一起去酒店。递给他英文圣经,他说他要为贵州行准备一段讲道。边翻边问我知道尼哥底母吗? 尼哥底母......他翻到那节,讲尼哥底母深夜拜访耶稣,他与耶稣的对话,耶稣说你非重生不能见主。尼哥底母很长时间不知道何为重生。他比这是他自己。 他说的时候,我没有打断他,我心里想的是,恩典!神的安排!! 我想到张坦老师的贵阳尼哥底母小组/教会,张老师也自比尼哥底母,非经历重生不能见主。 等他说完后,我告诉他,你知道吗,在贵阳我们将参加研讨会的那个团契就叫尼哥底母..... 他楞了楞,然后哈哈大笑! 我又说,那个第一个写了石门坎的scholar,他建立了尼哥底母小组/团契/教会...... Steve几次提到他现在对于教会的负担,虽然我还不了解或者他也还不清楚负担是什么。 既然神已种下重生的种子,生命的重生总是会在它该来的时候来到的! 神会以种种奇妙的方式拣选他挑选的人,来做他计划的事的。 从个人的重生,到团体的重生,到社会的重生...... 今天杭州是最热的一天,好在柳浪闻莺有风有柳荫。 约玉玲珑午餐。逛了钱王祠,我也才知道钱穆王没动枪火,把杭州城和平交给了宋。这是怎样眼界和气量! 我也是不久前才知道南宋时的社会福利系统放在今天都堪称世界榜样。 小雨和新婚妻子卡卡特意从德清赶来见Steve。 四年前偶然机会社会大学的他们知道了柏格理的石门坎传奇,开始了好奇追问意义的柏格理寻踪。 他们看了很多书,去了很多地方,问了很多人,产出了《走起》纪录片,然后也孕育了小雨与卡卡的爱情。 祝福二位! 感谢小羊教会对Steve来杭的热情接待。 感谢毛弟兄及夫人专程上海浦东接机。 感谢玉玲珑奉献的精美午餐,鲍鱼汁烧的冬瓜,自制的海苔冰淇淋,鲜美得不象茄子的茄子..... 感谢雯岚一整天辛苦地开车和陪同。 特别感谢海斌、雯岚为这一天所做的细心安排! 飞机将晚点两小时起飞。 Steve到椅子上睡了。 关电脑,耐心地等吧。 8:45分起飞。11点到贵阳。BLAKE的飞机也差不多时候到达。一起到酒店入住后已十二点多了。 杨波叫了滴滴。巧合的事是:司机的父亲是石门中学毕业的! 司机问我们要去哪,我说不玩景点去乡下,他的祖父出生在这里。 他马上说,哪里?我熟悉。昭通石门....很得意的样子,我说你怎么知道石门?他说他去过,他父亲经常提起。 他的父亲叫罗国强或者罗强国?昆明人,祖父为了帮儿子挑一所好学校,来到了石门中学。然后上了华东师大。后来云南农业局。 他父亲一年前去世。去世前经常提石门的很多小孩子会说英语,那时候经常有外国人,他还说父亲说那里的学生足球踢得很棒。 他陪父亲去石门,要不是父亲这样说,他完全感觉不出来那里那么奇葩! 我说拍张合影吧,告诉你母亲你今天机场接到的是柏格理的孙子和曾孙。呵呵~~~ 感谢刘总安排这样精美的酒店。 感谢杨波这么晚还在酒店等。 STEVE和BLAKE还有许多话要说。儿子的一路的见闻。 STEVE很高兴以前儿子一两个星期和家里通一次电话,用了微信后,几乎每天和家里通电话,通报每天的有趣事情。
十点半出发。贵阳往安顺。 一路上Steve都在跟Blake讲尼哥底母,商量可以为苗族做什么。 当人的智慧不够的时候,那么等待安排预备吧。 过收费处就看到王文宪老师已在路边等了。 王文宪老师的曾祖父叫王道元,家在苗族人从威宁到昭通找柏格理的必经之地爱华村。 王道元就跟着苗族人去昭通找柏格理。当时络绎不绝来找柏格理的苗族近一两千人。 在昭通汉族人中建立教堂没有可能,柏格理意识到必须离开昭通直接到苗族人中间去。 柏格理从这一两千苗族人中选出了几十人做了一期培训班,其中就有王道元。王道元被挑选做了苗族人中的头羊。 1904年正月十五过后,柏格理就在李司提反、杨雅各的陪同下到爱华村来找王道元,寻找在苗族人中建教堂的地址。比较几个地方后,选择了石门坎。石门坎第一批受洗的苗族是十一点五个,第一个就是王道元,零点五个就是当时还是小娃娃的王老师的祖父。 王道元作为柏格理的得力助手在苗族人中间传福音。创立咪咡沟教会。后来因为伤害死在咪咡沟。 我想起数年前曾经收过一张光盘,很多学生在一个朴素的墓前,很感人,是王道元去世一百年。 一个人,去世一百年,还为很多陌生人纪念,这样的生命是很有意义的。 饭后第一站内地会安顺站,原址现安顺一高内。 看到党居仁去世的那个位置,很多感慨。 党居仁对于西南苗族的贡献丝毫不逊柏格理。对于中国内地会,对于党居仁我曾经非常陌生甚至多少不无一些偏见。 翻译《戴德生传》让我深入了解和理解了内地会,而《党居仁传》则让我知道了党居仁。这个人,我们了解的太少了...... 二校稿链接: “他的判断何其难测!他的踪迹何其难寻!”然而细想想,在“神难以测度的方式”前面的那句话吧,是充满鼓励的“深哉,神丰富的智慧和知识”!所以,人所不懂的,那就放下吧,仍当满怀崇敬信心。 安顺教会在一中一墙之隔。 老房子可以想象当年这条街巷的热闹繁华。 安顺教会现有定期信徒五百人。教会办敬老院四五年了,三十张床位,年纪最大的九十了,收费五百(政府低保补贴)到一千一不等,缺口信徒奉献。有四位同工照顾,院长几乎二十四小时在岗,收入微薄(二千)。敬老院收支基本平衡,有很多同工奉献。 老人的院子在二楼,有一处客厅就是面向讲坛,所以老人不必下楼就可以在楼上听道。不少老人进来后生命重生。 第二站是等堆。 党居仁遇见四位威宁来的苗族猎人,党居仁对他们很好,并对他们说有困难来安顺找他。 正好不久后,这几位猎人用箭射杀一头野猪,但是当地流氓非说是他们打死的,抢走了野猪。 四位苗人想到党居仁,就派了一位到安顺去找党居仁,三位追踪流氓。 党居仁就带着官府来了,问流氓野猪是怎么打死的,流氓说是乱棒打死的;苗族人说是毒箭射死的。 党居仁查了野猪,只有箭洞没有棒痕。还了苗族人公道。 从此不断有威宁来的苗族人过来安顺找党居仁。党居仁得知他们住的地方来安顺路上要走七天,而距离昭通只一天路程,就介绍他们去昭通找柏格理。从此开始了柏格理的石门坎传奇。 这个故事发生的地方叫等堆,正确的写法是“戥堆”。 第三站普定仙马教会。 戥堆往仙马这一路,向山里开,向山顶去,风景奇美。 仙马是个神奇的地方。 仙马有村民近1500人,民族组成大花苗,小花苗,歪梳苗,汉族。六个自然村,接受福音113年,建立教会83年,信徒占全村90%以上。仙马的大花苗是从威宁逃荒迁徙而来,定居已经六代。 安顺来的公路到了仙马教会的篮球场就是到了尽头了。真正深山顶上,安静得听得见树声。手机信号完全没有。 仙马出名的是歌声。四声部! 仙马教会定期居会有二百人,有三支诗班:青年诗班,老年诗班,歪梳苗诗班。每周一、三、五排练。排练时间吃过晚饭以后,晚点八点半到十点半。 仙马的诗班曾获得世界合唱比赛复赛银奖-----这样偏僻山村里面的一群普通农民! 我没有期待会在仙马村度过一个宁静的夜晚。 牧师给我们看苗文的圣经,特别吸引我们的是苗文的四声部歌本,男低男高女低女高...... Blake认为,他可以很容易学会这本苗文歌谱, 因为有对应1234567的字母,但是不懂意思。 仙马诗班已俨然普定招牌。所以今天被县里叫去参加活动了。误工补贴100元/人。这也挺好。 回到村民时已经八点多了,召集村民教会集合。献歌、分享。 很不可思议,几乎个个站上来就能唱,唱四声部的苗族农民们。似乎音乐就是他们精神生命的全部,音乐融入他们的生活和生命。 Blake的分享很感动: 他说,这一路很多人说感谢他的曾祖父,但是他更想说,他很感谢大家,感谢大家让他看到那个走出书本,活生生的柏格理,他属灵的丰满生命。 他分享了三点他从柏格理身上的收获: 一,友谊;他所成的每一件事,都不是他一个人完成的。是很多人一起共同努力的结果。所以和合适的人一起尽努力做合适的事。二,“固执”;柏格理在昭通十年传福音十年,几乎无果,但是他仍然每天坚持着平凡的努力。总是以最乐观的方式看到经历,甚至过份乐观。他举了两个例子,寒冷的冬天柏格理从外地回昭通的路上,摔得爬不起来,他说,地很平,几乎温暖得就象夏天的床,他睡了一小会。又提到他的某一次外出传福音,走了好几天,去了好多寨子,一如既往地没有收成,他日记里没有气馁,和从前一样,只是乡下的蚊子比城里少了一些了。 第三,爱,所有他所做的一切,都是出于爱。 Steve说,大家让他感到离开家乡,在家乡的感觉;柏格理种下的种子所结的果;他说,无论你们经历什么困难,请一定记住大洋彼岸 我们在为你们祷告。 他们的分享很感动,但是要翻录像了,内容已不记得。 很感恩能在这样的小山村住一晚。真安静!
王文宪老师曾说在安顺请我们早餐时,我想这得多早出发才能赶上安顺的早餐呀。 今天的第一餐饭是中午十二点,我明白了早餐就是早上第一餐,干活后才有得吃,呵呵。 我略有好奇,这里是不是就是一天两餐呢?反正马老师家时的早餐好象就是在中餐时间。 上午,杨老师教诗班唱歌技巧。 我们在沙发上嗑瓜子聊天,到瓜子快嗑饱通知吃饭的时候,STEVE也已基本学会嗑瓜子了,呵呵。 很热闹的两桌。饭菜很丰盛,世外桃源似的。 昨晚上教会诗班们结束聚会已经十一点了,有的人要走一个小时的路回家,今天早上八点半赶到,我真好奇他们休息得够吗? 仙马的生活除了干活就是唱歌吗? 今天知道,还有射驽!68枚奖牌!而且还成为奥运火炬手!! 1500人的仙马村,深山坳里神仙般的一个村庄,有位作家写过一篇文章,标题:上帝的村庄----仙马!然也!! 据说,仙马村所在的猴场乡和布郎乡曾考虑合并,更名为仙马乡。但是乡政府在布郎,仙马不干,好牛呀! 仙马的村部,有四间很完整的陈列室,传统农具,驽具,荣誉室和苗族史。展品颇有质量,处处细节流露着仙马村民们的荣耀感恩! 仙马的厕所用抽水马桶,三层过滤后为干净水。 仙马的路灯是太阳能的,三十米一根。 仙马家家自来水,水源来自山顶水窖引的山泉水。 一路所见,新农村建设的物质投入整体改建,力度非常大,从路到屋,整体面貌确实焕然一新,村与村不同的区别,可能就体现在对卫生习惯的自觉与否和公共空间有没有人管。对农村来说,有没有领头人,村民的精神信仰,面貌体现上是截然不同的。 我太喜欢仙马。强烈推荐来仙马,尤其热爱音乐的主内肢体。 普定仙马至紫云新驰,一路上到山顶下到谷底又上到山顶.....将近六个小时,穿行在这片浩瀚神秘的群山里面。 到新驰教会已近八点。李牧师的先辈是党居仁牧师时候的第一批信主的苗族人,参与建立了安顺附近的第一所教会白马河教会。家族到今天已经第五代牧师。 李父亲非常感恩柏格理牧师给他们这支苗族传了福音。他说,这支苗族世代生活在最底层,老天好象要灭了这支苗族。要不是柏牧师给这支传来了福音,他们这支苗族就消灭了。他说认识上帝,就是灵魂有了归处。好象你睡觉做梦的时候,身体在这里,灵魂离开身体。人死了以后,灵魂离开了身体。如果没有信仰,灵魂到哪里去呢?如果我们不知道上帝,我们不知道我们的灵魂到哪里去。 父亲的话很朴素,但是很有属灵的感动和力量。 教会曾经有主日学,三四十个学生。主日学老师读完神学院以后,到县里面去服伺了,这里就没有主日学的老师了。也有二三个神学生,但是没有供应,条件很艰苦,读完了也都出去打工去了。牧师说他也很想出去打工。两个孩子读书,12岁和15岁,经济压力很大。 但是父亲坚决不同意。我想父亲应该也是老牧师吧,父亲说,你是牧羊人,这是你的职份!你走了,如果羊被狼吃了怎么办?现在我们有穿的了,有吃的了,钱虽然好,钱给我们很多美好的东西,可是如果我们死掉了,这些钱也带不走。 牧师家的条件非常艰苦。信徒奉献是一年三千斤粮食,留下吃的卖一部分,每堂奉献,可能一二十元。主要还是靠自己劳动和为主奉献。如果出去打工,每年能够带回家来三万,打工几年能起房子。但是他不能出去。李牧师有无奈,但是目光中很干净有信心。 愿上帝纪念李牧师和他一家的摆上。 愿更多城市主内肢体多多关注和帮助贫困农村教会牧羊人物质上的艰苦,并从他们受到属灵生命上的营养和感动。 愿更多爱成为行动。 新驰回到紫云十点多。
Blake今天在四川筠连邱家山小学旧址。这是石门坎光华小学协助创办的分校。 |
捐款使用说明:Steve、Blake到达贵阳之前及在贵阳住宿费由他们自理,本栏所募资金用于在贵阳和乡村期间的车辆燃油及过路费、乡村食宿费、云南来黔协助者交通费、礼物、茶话会等,募资目标4000元 。活动结束后如有剩余,将转赠给苗文教育相关活动。
日 期 | 摘要 | 捐款人 | 收 入 | 支 出 | 结 存 | 凭 证 | 收款方式 | 备注 | |||
年 | 月 | 日 | 种类 | 编号 | |||||||
16 | 7 | 20 | 收到捐款 | 李思磐 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 对账单 | 1 | 支付宝 | ||
16 | 7 | 20 | 收到捐款 | 林猛 | 200.00 | 300.00 | 微信 | 2 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 20 | 收到捐款 | 王吉陆 | 100.00 | 400.00 | 微信 | 3 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 20 | 收到捐款 | 廖雪红 | 100.00 | 500.00 | 微信 | 4 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 20 | 收到捐款 | 杨斌 | 100.00 | 600.00 | 微信 | 5 | 微信红包 | 前著名检察官、律师 | |
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 谢婧律师 | 50.00 | 650.00 | 微信 | 6 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 张贾龙 | 200.00 | 850.00 | 微信 | 7 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 贾云勇 | 100.00 | 950.00 | 微信 | 8 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 斯伟江律师 | 1,000.00 | 1,950.00 | 微信 | 9 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 谭万能 | 100.00 | 2,050.00 | 微信 | 10 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 丰鸿平 | 100.00 | 2,150.00 | 微信 | 11 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 徐佐彦 | 200.00 | 2,350.00 | 微信 | 12 | 微信红包 | 华西大学 | |
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 左志英 | 100.00 | 2,450.00 | 微信 | 13 | 微信红包 | 财新传媒 | |
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 谭人玮 | 200.00 | 2,650.00 | 微信 | 14 | 微信红包 | 网络编辑 | |
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 鲍小东 | 66.00 | 2,716.00 | 微信 | 15 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 钱志 | 100.00 | 2,816.00 | 微信 | 16 | 微信红包 | 贵州出版集团 | |
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 纪小城 | 100.00 | 2,916.00 | 微信 | 17 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 法律人王衍 | 100.00 | 3,016.00 | 微信 | 18 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 张丹萍 | 100.00 | 3,116.00 | 微信 | 19 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 李艾 | 200.00 | 3,316.00 | 微信 | 20 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 王美旭 | 200.00 | 3,516.00 | 微信 | 21 | 微信红包 | 广告人,自由创作者 | |
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 张荣丽 | 100.00 | 3,616.00 | 微信 | 22 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 喻尘 | 900.00 | 4,516.00 | 微信 | 23 | 微信红包 | ||
16 | 7 | 21 | 收到捐款 | 徐小平 | 200.00 | 4,716.00 | 微信 | 24 | 微信红包 | 贵州余庆人 | |
16 | 7 | 21 | 滴滴专车接机 | 84.50 | 4,631.50 | 截图 | 25 | 支付宝 | |||
16 | 7 | 22 | 出租车费,杨世武到集合地点 | 12.00 | 4,619.50 | 发票 | 26 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 22 | 1号车燃油费 | 220.00 | 4,399.50 | 发票 | 27 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 22 | 1号车过路费,贵阳-安顺南 | 45.00 | 4,354.50 | 发票 | 28 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 22 | 付杨世武安宁-昆明-贵阳车费 | 93.00 | 4,261.50 | 车票 | 29 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 22 | 安顺中餐费,11人用餐 | 300.00 | 3,961.50 | 无 | 30 | 现金 | 注29 | ||
16 | 7 | 23 | 付先马村两餐餐费,40人次用餐 | 800.00 | 3,161.50 | 收据 | 31 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 23 | 购矿泉水一件 | 32.00 | 3,129.50 | 无 | 32 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 23 | 购水果 | 20.00 | 3,109.50 | 无 | 33 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 24 | 付新驰村两餐餐费 | 500.00 | 2,609.50 | 收据 | 34 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 24 | 1号车过路费,紫云-贵阳南 | 70.00 | 2,539.50 | 发票 | 35 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 24 | 修车费,2号车补胎 | 25.00 | 2,514.50 | 无 | 36 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 25 | 购水果,茶话会用 | 54.00 | 2,460.50 | 收据 | 37 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 25 | 购水杯 | 5.90 | 2,454.60 | 收据 | 38 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 25 | 贵阳中餐费,7人用餐 | 98.00 | 2,356.60 | 收据 | 39 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 25 | 贵阳晚餐费,8人用餐 | 340.00 | 2,016.60 | 发票 | 40 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 25 | 付潘学文禄丰-昆明-贵阳往返车费 | 400.00 | 1,616.60 | 车票 | 41 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 25 | 付二号车燃油费 | 500.00 | 1,116.60 | 发票 | 42 | 现金 | SUV,4天行程 | ||
16 | 7 | 25 | 付二号车过路费 | 135.00 | 981.60 | 发票 | 43 | 现金 | |||
16 | 7 | 25 | 付二号车维修费 | 400.00 | 581.60 | 收据 | 44 | 现金 | 刮擦 | ||
16 | 7 | 26 | 贵阳中餐费,3人用餐 | 64.00 | 517.60 | 收据 | 45 | 现金 | |||
16 | 10 | 31 |
转赠石门文化圈云南彝良苗族儿童 脑病医疗费 |
517.60 | 0.00 | 收据 | 46 | 转账 | |||
0.00 | |||||||||||
合计 | 4,716.00 | 4,716.00 | 0.00 | ||||||||
本期收入合计: | 肆仟柒佰壹拾陆 | 4,716.00 | 制表: | 杨波 | 会计: | ||||||
本期支出合计: | 肆仟柒佰壹拾陆 | 4,716.00 | 出纳: | 杨波 135 1197 8097 | 负责人: | ||||||
本期结余: | 零 | 0.00 | |||||||||
募资目标: | 4,000.00 | ||||||||||
已完成募资: | 118% | ||||||||||
支出/收入: | 100.00% | ||||||||||
注: | [29]22日安顺中餐王文宪宴请总费用600,考虑到王不宜完全负担,我方后付300,管毓红经办。 | ||||||||||
[46]最后一笔支出为余款转赠,转给了云南省昭通市彝良县海子镇中沟村新寨组患脑病需要做开颅手术的儿童杨燕华。 相关资料:http://m.qschou.com/project/index/38cf600c-c93b-4525-be8d-b34034db05e1?uuid=&platform=wechat&shareto=5 |
Ernest Charles Pollard(son of Samuel Pollard)
Ernest C. Pollard Ernest Charles Pollard (1906-04-16 in Yunnan, China – 1997-02-24 in Jupiter, Florida) was a professor of physics and biophysics and an author, who worked on the development of radar systems in World War II, worked on the physics of living cells, and who has written textbooks and approximately 200 papers on nuclear physics and radiation biophysics. The son of Sam Pollard, Ernest C. Pollard lived until age 10 in China, moving to the United Kingdom when his father died. He studied physics at Cambridge University. He did his Ph.D. work under James Chadwick at Cavendish Laboratory, which was led by Ernest Rutherford, receiving his degreee in 1932. In 1933, he joined the physics daprtment of Yale University, where he designed the university's first cyclotron in 1939. Samuel Pollard (1864-04-20 in Camelford, Cornwall “ 1915-09-16 in China) was a Methodist missionary to China who converted many of the Big Flowery Miao (now called the Hmong) in Guizhou to Christianity, and who created a writing system that is still in use today. ... REDIRECT [1] ... Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. ... Sir James Chadwick (October 20, 1897 “ July 24, 1959) was an English physicist and Nobel laureate. ... Plaque The Cavendish Laboratory is Cambridge Universitys Department of Physics, and is part of the universitys School of Physical Sciences. ... Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson, OM, FRS (August 30, 1871 - October 19, 1937), called father of nuclear physics, pioneered the orbital theory of the atom notably in his discovery of rutherford scattering off the nucleus with his gold foil experiment. ... 1932 is a leap year starting on a Friday. ... 1933 was a common year starting on Sunday (link will take you to calendar). ... Yale University is a private university in New Haven, Connecticut. ... 60-inch cyclotron, circa 1939, showing beam of accelerated ions (perhaps protons or deuterons) escaping the accelerator and ionizing the surrounding air causing a blue glow. ... 1939 was a common year starting on Sunday (link will take you to calendar). ... From 1941 to 1945 he was a member of the MIT Radiation Laboratory, working on such projects as Li'l Abner (for which he was granted a patent), MEW, the moving target indicator, and the height finder; and serving as associate head, co-head, and head of Division 10. For his work on radar development, he received the Citation of Merit from President of the United States Harry S. Truman. 1941 was a common year starting on Wednesday (link will take you to calendar). ... 1945 (MCMXLV) was a common year starting on Monday (link will take you to calendar). ... The Radiation Laboratory or often RadLab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology was in operation from October 1940 until December 31, 1945. ... The President of the United States (often abbreviated POTUS) is the head of state of the United States. ... Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 “ December 26, 1972) was the thirty-fourth Vice President (1945) and the thirty-third President of the United States (1945“53), succeeding to the office upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. ... In 1948 he led the formation of a group of biophysicists at Yale. A department of biophysics was formally organized there in 1954, with funding from the John A. Hartford Foundation, where he became a professor, serving as the departmental chairman until 1961. (The department subsequently merged with the department of biochemistry, in 1969, becoming the department of molecular biophysics and biochemistry.) 1948 is a leap year starting on Thursday (link will take you to calendar). ... 1954 (MCMLIV) was a common year starting on Friday of the Gregorian calendar. ... 1961 (MCMLXI) was a common year starting on Sunday (link will take you to calendar). ... 1969 (MCMLXIX) was a common year starting on Wednesday For other uses, see Number 1969. ... As part of the centennial celebration at Vassar College, he spoke on The Advance of Physical Science into the Biological and Social Sciences at a conference on the natural and social sciences on 1960-11-04. He was also a member of the national Democratic advisory committee on science and technology during John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign. During the 1950s, he was head of the Committee on Loyalty and Security, an arm of the Federation of American Scientists, a group that actively defended scientists that were attacked during the McCarthy hearings. Closeup of the Vassar Main Building Vassar College is a private, coeducational liberal arts college situated in Poughkeepsie, NY. Formerly a womens college, Vassar is the only fully co-educational member of the Seven Sisters. ... 1960 was a leap year starting on Friday (link will take you to calendar). ... November 4 is the 308th day of the year (309th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar, with 57 days remaining. ... John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29, 1917 “ November 22, 1963), often referred to as Jack Kennedy or JFK, was the 35th President of the United States (1961“1963). ... // Events and trends The 1950s in Western society was marked with a sharp rise in the economy for the first time in almost 30 years and return to the 1920s-type consumer society built on credit and boom-times, as well as the height of the baby boom from returning... The Federation of American Scientists is a non-profit organization dedicated to the proper use of science and technology for the benefit of mankind. ... Joseph Raymond McCarthy Joseph Raymond McCarthy (November 14, 1908 “ May 2, 1957) was an American politician originally aligned with the United States Democratic Party and later with the United States Republican Party. ... He founded the Biophysical Society in 1957, serving as a member of its executive board in that year and also as its president later from 1959-1960. 1957 (MCMLVII) was a common year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar. ... 1959 (MCMLIX) was a common year starting on Thursday of the Gregorian calendar. ... 1960 was a leap year starting on Friday (link will take you to calendar). ... From 1961 until his retirement in 1971 he taught at Pennsylvania State University, founding the Department of Biophysics there. The Ernest C. Pollard Lectures, given at the university as part of a programme of lectures by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, are named after him, as is the Ernest C. Pollard Professorship in Biotechnology. At the same time he served on the NASA Advisory Committee on Space Biology alongside Carl Sagan. 1961 (MCMLXI) was a common year starting on Sunday (link will take you to calendar). ... 1971 is a common year starting on Friday (click for link to calendar). ... The Pennsylvania State University The Pennsylvania State University (commonly known as Penn State) is a state-related land-grant university in Pennsylvania, with over 80,000 students at 24 campuses throughout the state. ... NASA Logo Listen to this article · (info) This audio file was created from the revision dated 2005-09-01, and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article. ... A respected astronomer and dogged critic of pseudoscience, Carl Sagan is best known for his enthusiastic efforts at popularizing science. ... After retirement, he was as a research scholar at the University of Florida and Duke University, as well as the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in North Carolina. University of Florida State University System of Florida FAMU FAU FGCU FIU FSU NCF UCF UF UNF USF UWF The University of Florida, is a public university located in Gainesville, Florida. ... Duke Chapel Duke University is a private, coeducational university located in Durham, North Carolina, USA. Although founded only in 1924, Duke traces its roots back to 1838. ... The National Institutes of Health is an institution of the United States government which focuses on medical research. ... Link titleLink title == == State nickname: Tar Heel State; Old North State Other U.S. States Capital [i ,ove dance this wed site dosnt really have a lot of onfo on it so dot wast your time PostalAbbreviation = NC Largest city {{{LargestCity}}} Governor {{{Governor}}} Senators {{{Senators}}} Official language(s...
Scientific American is one of the oldest and most serious popular-science magazines. ... 1991 (MCMXCI) is a common year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar. ... December 1 is the 335th (in leap years the 336th) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. ... References
September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... World War II was a truly global conflict with many facets: immense human suffering, fierce indoctrinations, and the use of new, extremely devastating weapons like the atom bomb World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a mid-twentieth-century conflict that engulfed much of the globe... Further reading
September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years). ... 2005 (MMV) is a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. ... External linksErnest C. Pollard's
family tree |